In 2013, I was asked if I would consider taking a full time job as “Last Level supporter” for the Telecom operator uni-tel in Denmark. As the previous years of my life had been pretty intensive, I agreed, expecting this to be a “bit boring”, using my skills without many learning challenges – I could not have been more wrong. I had one of the best jobs ever!
I joined the relative small Telecom operator mid 2013 and found a very dynamic team of highly engaged and professional colleagues. My skills as network and server expert was challenged and I became operation responsible and in charge of expanding the company’s platforms with new Dell blade servers and Juniper network routers/switches.
My skills was used for technical presales and educator for the SIP and MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) trunk provider with focus on the company’s own developed hosted PBX system. I was soon to use Wireshark every day for SIP trace analysis and was giving implementation advice for technicians implementing company’s telephony solution on daily base.
My role as supporter included:
- Network and server design
- Network and server maintenance
- Network and server operation.
- CentOS Linux
- Windows
- Scripting
- Nagios
- Observium
- Munin
- Mikrotik
- Dude
- Juniper network equipment
- HP switches
- Dell Blade and “pizzabox” servers
I left the company mid 2015 only because my dream of working outside Denmark finally was made realistically possible by the crypto guys from Spain. I still miss my colleagues and the team spirit found there!